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And Suddenly, Everything Was Awesome

by verdemama on April 14, 2011

I figured I should end this week on a high note, especially since my little man was absolutely delightful today. Seriously, he was just charming in every single way — loving, affectionate, cooperative. He even let me get him dressed! And we walked to the park (holding hands, even)! And it was his idea! Exclamation marks!! My friend on Facebook said something to the effect of, “They can sense when you’re about to drop them off in the woods somewhere,” and maybe she’s correct. Something certainly changed in him today.

So, since I’ve been complaining a lot about my kid lately, I figured I should probably follow that up with how awesome he can be. Such as:

~He’s so independent. He wants to do everything himself (which can be both maddening/messy/dangerous and completely heart-meltingly adorable).

~He’s now calling me mommy, rather than mama, for some reason, and sometimes even mom. I have no idea where he got this. Sometimes he calls me all three names in the same sentence, ala this classic clip from Family Guy.

~His vocab is EXPLODING. Seriously. He’s talking in sentences and soaking up new words like a sponge on the daily. He hears a new word and BOOM, it’s been added to his lexicon. Today I grabbed a quick shower while he was watching a video and he came running into the bathroom to tell me the UPS man just left a box outside our front door. He said the words, and I understood them. It was a flawless communication, and totally blew my mind.

~He wants to feed me (like, put his food in my mouth) and share his toys with me. Such a sweet and generous little soul.

~And he’s freakin’ adorable, and even when he’s a moody teenager toddler, he wants to be with me every second. And I love him to pieces.

In the above pic, Orion was putting peas in the dinosaurs’ mouths and then eating the peas directly out of their mouths. Just thought you’d like to know that, ’cause it’s awesome.


Head Above Water. Just Barely.

by verdemama on April 13, 2011

Solo parenting of a toddler is a little like treading water — you just keep going through all the motions you know keep you afloat, and when a wave comes crashing over your head you pop back up to the surface, gasp for air and do it all over again. Over and over the waves keep crashing down, and at times it feels like drowning, but you keep treading, and pray for a break in the waves.

Erik has been gone on a business trip since Saturday morning and won’t return until Friday evening. Orion and I are used to him being pretty scarce through the week because of work, but it’s a whole different story to have him not come home each night, at the time when reinforcements are most needed. I’ve never minded Erik’s trips before — in fact, I usually enjoy the time to myself, even post baby — but Orion has been so high maintenance lately, and I’m truly exhausted and hanging onto my sanity with my fingernails.

Luckily we’ve had friends and their kiddos come and hang out with us to keep us company almost every day — which I’m so grateful for because Orion never wants to leave the house anymore. Or get dressed. Or have his diaper changed. And so on, and so on. He’s like a mini Lebowski — if he had a bathrobe he’d probably just wear that every day.

We had a few great days this week, but today the demonic possession hath returned. His behavior just gets weirder and weirder. He screams whenever I turn on music, he’s bossy and demanding, and every thing I do, I do “wrong” in his eyes. He won’t nap, he has to scream and cry for two hours before bedtime every night, AND he’s been waking up in the middle of the night for the past three nights and staying up for several hours. I’m dying. Dead. Stick a fork in me.

Ugh. I’m too tired to even complain anymore. Needless to say, I’ve already booked my massage for Saturday when the hub unit is back in town. He and Orion are going to enjoy some quality time together… whether they like it or not.


Orion’s Snail, Part Deux

by verdemama on April 11, 2011

Orion’s pet snail is still alive and well! (Despite my best attempts to suffocate it in a jar! JUST KIDDING. Or am I?…)

He’s gotten past his initial squeamishness about it and now has no problem picking it up and poking at its squishy little antennae’d head, loudly declaring, “I touched! I TOUCHED!” Orion is quite the boy, and is into all kinds of bugs these days, especially the caterpillars that are forming their cocoons around our passion fruit vine.

The snail is presumably getting pretty sick of life in a small, glass apartment, as evidenced by his immediate attempts to escape every time the jar lid is opened. I value my garden too much to set the little sonovagun free, so he will remain in Orion’s captivity for the unforeseen future.

(Sorry, snail. Think of it as payback for all your slimy brethren destroying my garden plants over the years. It’s either this or meeting your salty death.)



by verdemama on April 8, 2011

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I did not, in fact, go into labor early or fall into a deep Rip Van Winkle-like sleep (although that sounds divine). No, I’m still out riding in crazy toddler country, and I’m holding onto my sanity by a slim thread.

Wednesday of this week was a total anomaly — Orion was cooperative and delightful, and we had a wonderful day together. I thought we had rode out the tsunami of his recent Jekyll/Hyde behavior, but it was merely an ebb in the Terrible Two tide. He’s been nuts every other day this week — moody and defiant, with some violent tendencies thrown in for extra flavor. He doesn’t want to get dressed or leave the house and he has been refusing to nap (or to do anything I ask or tell him to do, for that matter). I had a full-on crying breakdown this morning — not one of my finer moments but I’m sure I’m not the first pregnant mom of a toddler to lose her shit after a long stretch of frustrating behavior.

A miracle happened this afternoon and he actually went down for his nap without too much fight. I’m now enjoying a much-needed moment of peace.

I know there are bigger problems in the world right now, but this is really wearing me down. I know his behavior stems from a combination of his recent weaning, the hubbub surrounding his soon-to-be baby sister, and the good ol’ terrible twos rite of passage. Still. FRUSTRATING. CLAW EYES OUT.

Please tell me this gets better. Right?


I’m Tired

by verdemama on April 4, 2011

I’m almost satisfied to leave that title and not even bother with a blog — I’m tired. Officially dunzo. Unequivocally kaput.

At T-minus eight weeks and counting ‘til D-Day, I’m starting to be overcome by that sleepy, achy feeling that happens at the end of pregnancy (or, happens to me, anyway). I felt this way last time as well, only this time around I’m chasing a two-year-old, who’s just now really starting to act like a two-year-old, like, in a major, scary way.

Case in point: Friday when we were walking home from our local park, Orion decides, mid-crosswalk, that he wasn’t done with the park, wrenches his hand out of mine and runs — across a major boulevard — back toward the park. My vain attempts to talk him into walking back home like a civilized human being were met with a full-on psycho tantrum. That’s when pregnant, crazy, exhausted mama came out. I picked him up, screaming, kicking and flailing, and carried him sack-o-potatoes-style back home. It’s about a block and a half walk, and it took several setbacks, a handful of escapes on his part, and much huffing and puffing from me, but I finally got him back home. And the day only got worse from there.

Example #2: We were moments away from heading out the door this morning for our regular Monday morning play date with a group of friends. Usually Orion loves these and talks about them all week, but today, at the last minute, Evil Orion emerges out of nowhere. He doesn’t like the clothes I’ve picked out for him, he’s hungry but he wants nothing I have to offer him, and he sure as hell doesn’t want to get in the car to drive to our meet-up. He also tells me, “Mama, away!” for the first time ever, as he shoves me away. (Tear.) I considered backing out of our play date but ended up deciding that I needed to go for my own sanity, so I wrestled him into the car. He shrieked the entire drive, but ended up having a great time once he got there, of course. Lil’ butthead.

I’m not sure what to make of this new, rebelliously über-oppositional Orion. I’m sure at least some of it has to do with his recent weaning. I have no problem letting him have a little more independence, but it’s the crazy behavior I have a hard time dealing with. Even when he’s acting out, he still wants me right there with him. This afternoon we were playing in the house, and if I left for 30 seconds to pee or get a glass of water, he would freak out.

I’m dusting off my toddler behavior books (which apparently I stopped reading at 21 months, according to my dog-eared pages) and popping in this video tonight to hopefully get some insight.

That is, if I can stay awake.



What Little Boys are Made Of

by verdemama on March 31, 2011

Orion has a new friend — a plump little snail plucked a neighbor’s yard during a recent evening walk.

At first he was afraid of it, but he’s since developed an enthusiastic interest and maybe even a bit of affection for this slimy little guy.

The snail hung out with us all day today, reading books, playing with cars and frolicking in the yard. So far he’s been a great pet. Our cat always hightails it to the solitude of the neighbor’s yard when she sees Orion coming, but not this little guy.

Now all we need are some snips (whatever those are) and some puppy dog tails and we will be complete.




Chez Verdemama || Office

by verdemama on March 29, 2011

As I’m entering the home stretch of this pregnancy (31 weeks down, 9-ish to go!), I’ve been reflecting back on what my life was like when I was gearing up for Orion’s arrival. Back then I was working as the editor for Whole Life Times magazine and (which has since been absorbed by Gaiam Life) and enjoying the last few moments of breezy, childless freedom.

We were also in the thick of the arduous, soul-sucking process of buying our first home. It was a foreclosure, and in need of some major love, but both Erik and I instantly saw the potential the moment we laid eyes on it. (And it was a steal at the bargain price of half a million dollars. Curse you, Southern California real estate!)

The home buying experience was long, frustrating, and did I mention long? Like, months long. We ended up closing the deal just weeks before my due date, and so began the frantic process of making the space livable. Friends and family slaved days and nights to get everything ready (or close to as close to ready as possible) in time. We moved in just five days before I gave birth to Orion, who arrived two weeks early. Talk about major life upheaval.

I thought it would be fun to share before and after photos of just how far this Little House That Could has come.

First up: the office/guest room.

We don’t have a ton of pre-makeover photos of this room for some reason, but here are a few “before” pics: (WARNING! Severe heinousness may cause eye irritation.)

And let’s not forget…

Yes, that’s Pepto-Bismol pink paint, yes, there’s random pink paint splatters all over the wainscoting, and yes, that’s an old, ratty sheet hanging over the window. The hardwood floors are a stained, scratched-up disaster and you can’t see it well in these photos, but the ceiling is actually painted lavender. That’s right. Pink walls and a lavender ceiling.

Behold what multiple coats of Olympic Zero VOC paint and hardwood refinishing can do:

Since this room was hypothetically where I would continue all my lucrative and fulfilling writing and editing work as a WAHM (except that I got laid off a year ago, and save for a few freelance projects, haven’t worked much since), I wanted it to be a peaceful yet inspiring space, so I chose a vibrant, wake-up-and-get-creative blue. This photo doesn’t depict it well, but the window looks out the front of the house into some short palms, giving the view a very green, natural feel.

The furniture is a combination of vintage (desk and chair), Craigslisted (file cabinet) and Ikea (bookcases). Like most of what’s currently in our house, it’s a random mishmash and certainly not my dream furniture, but it works for us for now.

The bookcases house magazines for whom I’ve worked (back when I actually got paid to write and edit) and thousands of dollars of old textbooks (me: psychology and journalism; him: physics) that we’ll probably never touch again and should have sold back when they still coulda been worth something. Oh well.

Most of the trinkets from our travels have ended up living in this room, such as the Ganesh figurine from India and the Alphonse Mucha postcards from the Czech Republic.

Opposite the desk is a sofa futon that doubles as a guest bed for when company calls (and makes for a lovely cat bed as well).

Like many of these 1950s SoCal homes, our house is woefully low on closet space, so the office closet (pictured above in the “before” shots) is where most of my clothes and shoes live. Our next house will have huge walk-in closets in which I can organize my wardrobe to my little OCD heart’s content. At least in my dreams, anyway.

Our little casa will forever be a work in progress, but it brings a smile to my face to see just how far it’s come.

Stay tuned for more scenes from our humble abode!



Good Things Come in Pretty Packages

by verdemama on March 27, 2011

Imagine my delight yesterday when this package arrived in the mail, addressed to my baby girl. (Whose name I may or may not publicly reveal before the birth — I haven’t decided yet. Patience, m’dears.)

Inside was the most gorgeous little dress from my dear friend Eliza, who’s expecting a little boy two weeks ahead of us. Besides being an excited mama-in-the-making, Eliza is a newly minted blogger and her online home,, is a damn fine read spotlighting all the coolest design-y, eco, edible and momtastic stuff from around the web. Check ‘er out!

Anyoo, back to the dress. It’s a reversible little number from littlegirlPearl. It’s about an 18 month size, so we’ll all have to wait a little while until we see Baby Girl modeling it. But trust me, it’s beautiful. Thanks, Eliza!

I’m slowly starting to amass a small collection of clothes for the wee lass — some Etsy goodies, some new organic duds (and hey, some not-so-organic stuff thrown in there, too) plus I have a bunch of sweaters and dresses that were mine as a baby, which I’m excited to share with you later. Dressing a little girl = major fun.

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On Weaning and Other Milestones

by verdemama on March 23, 2011

Indulge me for a moment while I try to wrap my head around the fact that I’m now parent to a real-life, talking-in-sentences, official KID. Sometimes I’m shocked by how quickly things can change. Just when I get used to the way things are — BOOM! — it changes.

Monday night, Orion slept in his big, grown-up toddler bed for the first time, 100 percent of his own volition. While I rocked with him before going to sleep, he sang me his ABCs, counted to 10, and practiced holding his index and middle fingers up in a V, saying “Two years old!” over and over again. We had been talking about how he would be starting school the next day—“school” being a two-hour, one-day-a-week toddler/parent class at our nearby Waldorf school. He obviously understood what I was telling him and was excited by the prospect of his new-fangled student status and the novel adventures that came along with it. He drifted off to sleep peacefully and adorably in his new-to-us craigslisted big-boy bed, and slept there soundly all night.

In the morning, after a banana/walnut/flax pancake breakfast (his current all-time fave food), we headed off to school. He was easily one of the youngest there but you wouldn’t know it from his behavior. In typical Orion fashion, he was gentle, well behaved and keenly interested in everything going on. In other words, he rocked pre- preschool, and can’t wait to go back next week.

And another major milestone — one I thought would never happen — he is finally weaned. It feels official enough at this point that I can talk about it without jinxing us, so I’ll tell you: it’s now been a couple of weeks since Orion last nursed. And after 25 months of breastfeeding, my nipples and I are breathing a massive sigh of relief.

I never imagined we would nurse for so long. I knew I wanted to breastfeed for at least a year and continue as long as it worked for both of us. Most of my friends’ babies self-weaned at some point, and I figured Orion would be no different. Little did I know that Orion would turn out to be an unabashed boob man with absolutely no interest in giving it up on his own.

I enjoyed breastfeeding for a good, long while. I loved the intimacy it brought between us. I took comfort knowing I was making his body healthy and strong. It all felt very natural and right. Then I got pregnant again; my belly started expanding and my lap started shrinking. Orion kept growing taller and taller, heavier and heavier. Soon it became apparent that nursing wasn’t going to work for us (aka me) for much longer. Besides, there will be a new baby soon who’ll need to nurse constantly, and there was no way I was going to let a 33 pound toddler in on that action. And those teeth — SO SHARP! Yowza.

So I began the weaning process a few months ago. I started denying him his morning nursing session. That one was easy — I could distract him with breakfast and cups of organic cow’s milk. The pre-nap and pre-bedtime nursing sessions were a different story. I knew they would be much harder to give up because that was how he settled down for sleep.

We literally talked about it for months before the official “ta-ta” to the tatas. We talked about how he was a big boy now (“Two years old!”) and how only babies nursed. Some nights he would beg to nurse, saying “Waah, waah!” doing his best baby impersonation, which was both simultaneously adorable and sad.

Little by little, he got it. Because that’s how kids are. Just when you think you know them inside and out, they go and change on you. A light in him I didn’t realize he had came on. He’s different now — more grown-up, more aware, more independent. Some nights he wants to sit in the glider on his own and rock himself to sleep. He still asks to nurse occasionally, but he almost says it with a little laugh, like it’s a joke everyone already knows the punchline to.

I thought I would be sadder about closing this chapter in our lives, but I’m not. I know that a new story is just beginning.

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Feeling Better

by verdemama on March 18, 2011

Happy weekend, everyone!

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